Proud to be a local network!
Not enough people know that IHR Telecom deploys its own network. Indeed, unlike many telecom service provider that rent an existing network to provide their services, IHR Telecom is building its own network. IHR Telecom, it’s more than 1800 km of fiber optic on both Haut-Richelieu & Brome-Missisquoi territory and more than a hundred direct and indirect employees.
To learn if your address is part of an ongoing fibre optic project, you can do so by filling our service availability lookup, by filling our request form or by calling our Customer service.
The mandatory steps for the deployment of fibre optic
When we are building our fibre optic network, many steps must be completed before the services are available. Here they are!

Take a look at IHR fiber optic calendar in Haut-Richelieu to know more about the progress in the ongoing deployment projects in that region.
Take a look at the IHR fiber optic calendar in Brome-Missisquoi to know more about the progress in the ongoing deployment project in that region.
The calendars are updated each 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
The Deployment of the ongoing fibre optic projects 2022
Check the availability at your address!

IHR Telecom fibre optic network is already present in Haut-Richelieu and Brome-Missisquoi. The Non-Profit Oganisation is building the projects that were selected by the followind funds Connect to Innovate, Canada-Québec Operation High-Speed and also the Universal Broadband Fund.
When the said projects will be completed, it’s more than 20 000 households that will have access to IHR Telecom’s fibre optic network.